Interview for a position

From My Limbic Wiki

Frequently Asqued Questions

What about you ?



  • Promotion major 3 years in a row.
  • Master Thesis Mark: 16.45
  • Robotic laboratory & Competition (whole of France): Winner Arduino category



  • Thales Underwater System (SAS)
    • PHP Refactoring
    • Design new business-oriented framework from scratch
    • Evolution in 4 years as FullStack Developer
  • Interbat Services
    • Private business-oriented PHP framework discovering & leanring
    • Private business-oriented PHP Framework improving
  • Monitoring Company
    • Network Administration: VOIP
    • Video editing: sony vegas movie studio platinum 10
    • Illustrations for a weekly magazine

Salary Expectations

  • 80 000$CAD to 120 000 $CAD
  • 80k for a beginner salary, to 120k for advanced, experienced position

Strenghts and weakness


  • Polyvalent - Open minded
  • Independant - Able to weight the pros and cons to take a decision when it is needed
  • Relational - TeamWork


  • Curious - like to understand how is it working around me, asking a lot of questions
  • Perfectionist - like to finish completely something before to move out
  • Thoughtful - can spend some overtime to think about something to be 100% sure to do not do a mistake

How to describe your rofile in one word

  • Determined

Previous position

Can you describe the last project you were working on, in your previous position

  • Sonar Support Data Package Maker: web application based on PHP5 allowing Thales teams to use a designed business oriented interface to :
    • in a first time to filter through complex algorithm hundreds of thousands thales systems documentation - some with sensible datas
    • in a second time, arrange them in an organized, responsive, lightweith interface transportable offline as a computer folder readable with any exploitation system like linux or windows OS but also Android tablets.
  • The final clients who buy theses generated packages are french and foreign armys who needs to exploit the Thales Underwater Systems documentations in an offline, secured and responsive environment

What was you role ?

i had several evolving over the years

  • Improve the few existing fonctionnalities
  • Refactor - from scratch - the application: procedural to object oriented and MVC pattern code.
  • Develop hundreds of new features
  • Solve network and functional issues by being proactive
  • Be proactive
  • Lead weekly meetings
  • Train new developers to the business oriented framework
  • Train final underwater crew

About the Team

can you describe it

Answer :

About the Project

Answer :

Evolution of the project


Your evolution

What did you like / dislike

  • Like
  • Dislike

Answer :

Our Company

Why do you want to work here

Why us rather than another company

What are your motivations for joining this team

  • Integrate an experienced team
  • Evolutions Possibilities
  • Famous Company
  • Prove Myself
  • ... Some knowledge about the company

Do you have any questions?

  • Can you give me more informations about the team ? the project ?
  • What about the hours ? is it flexible ?
  • What about the salary ?
  • ... Some specific question about the company


What are your professional ambitions at two or five years?

  • Earn by proving myself a project manager position
  • Bring my knowledge and skills to boost a new project as much as possible


  • What do you know about us
  • Do you know the salary of your profile ?
    • Senior
    • Beginner
    • What do you expect
  • what is the most difficult situation you have faced at work
  • What are your goals for the future
    • Where do you see yourself in 5 years
  • How do you respond to work under pressure
  • Do you have any questions for me